The Press Council in Bosnia and Herzegovina
is organizing
the Inter-Professional Seminar for the judiciary and media stakeholders within the JUFREX project of the Council of Europe –
“Freedom of Expression and Ethics Standards – Free and Responsible Journalism and Good Implementation of the Judiciary”
January 25/26, 2018
Hotel Bosnia, Sarajevo
The Press Council in BiH and the Council of Europe are organizing an Inter-Professional Seminar for the judiciary and media stakeholders within the JUFREX project of the Council of Europe – Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on the Freedom of Speech in the Media in SEE – “Freedom of Expression and Ethics Standards – Free and Responsible Journalism and Good Implementation of the Judiciary”. The Seminar will be held on January 25/26, 2018, in Sarajevo in the hotel Bosnia.
The main presenter of the seminar will be Mr. Chris Elliot from the Ethical Journalism Network and Amir Kapetanovic, Judge of the District Court in Banja Luka, along with other media experts from BiH.
The objective of the seminar is to strengthen the judicial expertise and understanding of the freedom of speech and free responsible journalism in the media in BiH, as well as to empower journalists to abide by professional coverage ethics standards.
The key topics of the seminar are: professional ethics in the digital age, mediation before a court dispute, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, free and responsible journalism – recommendations of the Council of Europe, judiciary and the media, implementation of the three-part test in the verdicts of the BH courts and the European Court for Human Rights, mediation before a court dispute II – the role of the Press Council as a mediator between the readers and the media.
Through the presentations of foreign and domestic presenters and discussion, the participants will have a valuable opportunity to advance their existing theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as to acquire much concrete and practical information on differentiating opinion and facts (comment and news), on the freedom of media coverage in a democracy and the implementation of Article 10 of the European Convention when defending the freedom of coverage.
Through this seminar, the Press Council in BiH is starting the realization of the project “Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on the Freedom of Speech in the Media in Southeast Europe (JUFREX)”, sponsored by the European Union and the Council of Europe.
A series of seminars and round tables will be organized within the Project, intended to strengthen the capacities of journalists, judges, prosecutors and other professionals engaged in implementing the standards of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
The rights and freedoms foreseen by the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its protocols are directly implemented in BiH and have to be a priority above all other laws. The freedom of expression, protected by Article 10 of the Convention, represents one of the fundamental pillars of a democratic society, and it is thus essential to emphasize its importance and ensure its adequate implementation.